Need to Know
Next Friday, the Center is introducing an initiative called “AskNC” to help find answers to your questions and to help you understand how North Carolina works and why our state is the way it is. Keep your eyes peeled for our official launch next week!
Dropping Knowledge
Brookings is back this week with another series of heavy-duty reports: the Brookings Papers on Economic Activity (BPEA). The BPEA consist of six reports tackling automation, joblessness in America’s heartland, mortgage markets, the tax cut, and safety nets for children.
Here are a few graphics highlighting key findings from the reports.
If you are looking for a lighter read, Brookings also published three short articles that explain the findings for the mortgage reports, addressing joblessness in the heartland, and the automation and safety net reports.
Contextual Healing
In light of International Women’s Day yesterday, news media and think tanks published several pieces surrounding women in the workforce.
Bloomberg’s article “After Five Years of Leaning In, Everything and Nothing Has Changed,” examines how the #MeToo movement and new research show that just telling women to “lean in” greatly underestimates the systematic inequities women face in the workforce.
Cato Institute published a report yesterday titled “The Nordic Glass Ceiling,” which questions the narrative that generous Scandinavian welfare policies like longer maternity leave help women advance in the workplace. The author attributes gender equality in Nordic societies to traditional Nordic culture rather than welfare policies and argues that Nordic welfare policies actually hurt gender equality. While some of the assertions lack evidence beyond simple correlations, the report demonstrates how policies can have unintended consequences.
What we're reading
Opioid-related Crime Takes Toll on Older People Across NC
North Carolina's opioid epidemic is putting major burdens on many older residents, their families, law enforcement, social services, and other parts of society. ... Read the rest-
The Ticking Time Bomb for Suburban Retail
Controversial study challenges scientific consensus that adult brains make new neurons
The Ripple Effect of the West Virginia Teachers' Victory
Medicare’s New Day
Women Entrepreneurs Are More Likely to Get Funding If They Emphasize Their Social Mission
Why child care costs more than college tuition - and how to make it more affordable