March 22, 2019

Dropping Knowledge

On Wednesday, Education Commission of the States published a 50-state review of special education funding. The report says: “Across 50 states, there are 50 different ways in which states allocate special education funding to districts.”

The most common way is using multiple student weights, which assigns each student a different weight or dollar amount depending on various factors, including the severity of the disability or the cost of the resources the student receives. North Carolina uses a single student weight system but is looking into changing the funding formula, which would change the way the state funds special education.

For Your Consideration

Do you know what clinical practice means when used by educators? If not, check out EdNC’s most recent series on clinical practice, the real-life, hands-on experience during an educator preparation program. Learn about how educator preparation programs are changing the way they prepare future teachers by focusing more on clinical practice experiences and building partnerships with districts.

While you’re there, watch the latest EdNC Explains video on summer melt, or the phenomenon where high school students intend to enroll in college but don’t actually show up.

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