August 16, 2019

Dropping Knowledge

The Center for Racial Equity in Education (CREED) released their report on equity in North Carolina schools on Sunday. If you haven’t taken the time to read “E(race)ing Inequities,” I highly recommend it. Check out the executive summary in the Weekly Insight above, read the full pdf report here, and read the companion report, “Deep Rooted.”

The report analyzes data from 1.5 million students during the 2016-17 school year and looks at over 30 indicators of access and achievement. What makes this report unique is the focus not just on achievement but on access.

For example, non-Asian students of color are less likely than white students to take at least one honors course. When you drill down, you see one reason why: schools with higher proportions of students of color offer significantly fewer honors courses. Figure 3.3

honors courses

To see more, read the report.

For Your Consideration

A report by Ohio State University for the National Endowment for Financial Education looks at financial insecurity among Americans aged 20 to 30. Their findings show that bachelor’s and master’s degree holders have the highest exposure to student debt, but associate degree holders have more exposure to vehicle and credit card debt. Associate degree holders also have higher interest rates and are more likely to experience major life events, such as getting married and having children, compared to other degree holders.

debt picture

The study found that 85% of all degree holders have debt by age 25, which holds constant through age 30. Additionally, households headed by those with no degree followed by those with an associate degree have higher rates of loan delinquency than those with bachelor’s and master’s degrees.

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