Criminal Justice Center Update: The Debate over Merit Selection of Judges by Jack Betts | May 1, 1997
Health & Human Services Health Care Cost Containment: Does Anything Work by Jack Betts | November 1, 1991
Health & Human Services Rural Health Care in North Carolina: Unmet Needs, Unanswered Questions by Jack Betts | November 1, 1991
State Government From The Center Out: In the Legislature, White Male Democrats Become a Minority by Jack Betts | June 1, 1991
Voting & Elections What Can the Kids of Arizona and Costa Rica Teach Us About Voting by Jack Betts | June 1, 1991
State Government Leadership Development Programs in North Carolina: What Do They Do by Jack Betts | December 1, 1990
Economic Development Work Force Preparedness: Training 21st Century Workers on a Mid-20th Century Budget by Jack Betts | September 1, 1990
Politics From the Center Out: Latest Legislative Effectiveness Rankings Reflect GOP Gains by Jack Betts | June 1, 1990