Criminal Justice Center Update: The Debate over Merit Selection of Judges by Jack Betts | May 1, 1997
Criminal Justice Recent History of the Merit Selection Debate in the N.C. General Assembly by Mebane Rash Whitman | May 1, 1997
Criminal Justice Removal and Censure Actions Against N.C. Judges by the State Supreme Court Since 1975 by Mebane Rash Whitman | May 1, 1997
Criminal Justice Legislature Considers Courts Panels Recommendation to Install Merit Selection in N.C. by Tom Mather | May 1, 1997
Legislative Guide Article II: A Guide to the North Carolina Legislature, 1997-1998 by NC Center for Public Policy Research | March 1, 1997
Arts Arts Funding in North Carolina: Trends in Public and Private Support by Tom Mather | November 1, 1996
Arts Dancing to a Different Donor- Arts Groups Adapt to Federal Cutbacks – by Tom Mather | November 1, 1996