The myFutureNC Commission is a statewide education commission focusing on increasing educational attainment for all North Carolinians. Convening members of the business, education, government, nonprofit, and philanthropy sectors, the purpose of the Commission is to develop a multi-year education plan, including a statewide attainment goal and recommendations on how to achieve it.
Over the last five months, the Commission has held listening sessions across North Carolina and subject matter experts have weighed in on the three committees: P12, postsecondary, and workforce. Members of the Commission have also produced a number of policy briefs outlining challenges and opportunities in each of the three areas.
Last week, EducationNC highlighted findings from five of the briefs related to postsecondary attainment. The briefs range from the Hunt Institute’s overview of other state attainment goals to recommendations for upskilling the current workforce. Explore each brief in the posts below.
Editor’s note: EducationNC’s CEO, Mebane Rash, is a subject matter expert for the myFutureNC Commission
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