Governor The Effects of Gubernatorial Succession: The Good, the Bad, and the Otherwise by Thad Beyle | October 1, 1987
Economic Development Economic Education in North Carolina: Are We Teaching the Dismal Science Dismally by Jack Betts | October 1, 1987
Politics Eating High on the Hog: How the Pork Barrel Spending Process Has Changed in the Last 10 Years by Seth Effron | October 1, 1987
State Government Think Tank and Watchdog : A Report on the First 10 Years of the N.C. Center for Public Policy Research by Bill Finger | October 1, 1987
Criminal Justice In The Courts: Class Action Lawsuits Bring New Action to North Carolina Courts by Katherine White | October 1, 1987
Governor In The Executive Branch: How Does the Governor Organize His Power and Staff by Anne Jackson | October 1, 1987
State Government On The Press: Is the Afternoon Newspaper a Dinosaur in North Carolina by Barb Bara | October 1, 1987